Acupuncture Journal Club – The Craig IVF Acupuncture Protocol: A Failure or a Success?

In 2007, the Craig study made headlines as the first acupuncture study to report that acupuncture lowered IVF pregnancy rates. In this webinar, we will discuss the Craig study, its methods and outcomes. We will then contrast it with Dr. Lee Hullender Rubin’s research. Dr. Hullender Rubin was an acupuncturist on the Craig study and assisted in the protocol development. She then went on to use the Craig acupuncture protocol with IVF patients at a non-study related IVF center for over two years before she learned the outcomes of the Craig study. Learn about the effects the Craig protocol had on fresh, donor and non-donor IVF birth outcomes when it was applied in a different setting and some of the lessons learned about acupuncture and IVF.

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Acupuncture Journal Club – The Craig IVF Acupuncture Protocol: A Failure or a Success?

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